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Purpose : The aim of this study is to look for the possible efficacy of postoperative
external irradiation for incompletely resected meningiomas.
Methods and Materials : From August 1981 to January 1997, Forty-four patients with
intracranial meningioma were treated by postoperative external irradiation. Of the 44
meningiomas, 18 transitional, 13 meningotheliomatous, 6 hemangiopericytic, 4 atypical, 2
fibroblastic and 1 malignant meningioma were identified. We classified all patients into
two groups by the histology. The benign group was consisted of the
meningotheliomatous, transitional and fibroblastic types. the malignant group was
consisted of the meningotheliomatous, transitional and fibroblastic types. The malignant
group was consisted of the atypical, hemangiopericytic and malignant types. In the
means of surgery, 37 patients were resected incompletely and 7 patients were managed
by biopsy only. After surgery, all patients were received postoperative external
irradiation. Radiotherapy was delivered using Co-60 or 4MV photon beam to a total
dose of 50 to 66 Gy (mean dose: 57.4 Gy) with a 1.8 to 2 Gy per fraction. The median
follow-up was 48 months (range: 21¡­101 months). Multivariate analysis of the influence
by age, sex, location, histology and radiation dose on local control has been done using
Cox's proportional hazard model.
Results : 5-year local control rate was 93.8% for the benign histology and 51.85 for
the malignant histology (p=0.0110) and overall local control rate at 5 years was 87.4%.
The analysis of the prognostic factors, such as age, sex, location, and radiation dose
were not significant except for the histology.
Conclusion : Adjuvant postoperative external irradiation appears to be significantly
improved local control in the patients with incompletely resected meningiomas.


¼ö¸·Á¾; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ±¹¼ÒÁ¦¾îÀ²; External irradiation; Meningioma; Local Control;

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