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Purpose : The study was performed to determine the optimal treatment volume of
patients treating with radiation therapy for intracranial germ cell tumor.
Materials and Methods : From 1993 to 1998, 19 patients with intracranial germ cell
tumors treated by gamma knife radiosurgery were analyzed. The location of tumor was
as follows; 9 cases on pineal region, 1 case on suprasellar region, and 9 cases of
multiple lesion. 7 patients were pathologically verified; 5cases of germ cell tumor and 2
cases of non germinomatous germ cell tumor. Tumor volume was ranged from 2.4§¨ to
74§¨. Irradiation dose was 10 Gy to 20 Gy with 50% isodose curve. Follow up period
was 10 months to 54 months.
Results : Recurrences were observed in 14 cases among 19 (74%) patients. Complete
remission and partial remission were achieved in 2 (11%) and 10 (53%) respectively. No
response was observed in 7 (36%). 2 cases were recurred within original tumor bed. 6
cases were recurred beyond but contiguous with tumor bed. Ventricular relapses
separated from pretreatment tumor volume is smaller than 20§¨, 2 were recurred within
original tumor bed, 4 were recurred beyond but contiguous with tumor bed, and 1 spinal
recurrence. Meanwhile, 6 cases of which tumor volume larger than 20§¨, 1 cases was
recurred beyond but contiguous with tumor bed, 2 ventricular recurrences separated with
original tumor bed, and 3 spinal recurrences. 5 cases which did not show any
recurrence sign showed characteristics of single lesion, tumor volume smaller than 20§¨
and normal tumor marker. All of 4 cases of spinal recurrences happened in the case
having ventricular invasion or lesion. Among 9 cases having multiple lesion, only 3
cases recurred within original tumor bed or around tumor bed, the other 6 cases
recurred separated from pretreatment tumor bed.
Conclusion : Gamma knife radiosurgery is not recommended for the treatment of
intracranial germ cell tumor. It is because of small treatment volume and inadequate
radiation dose that are characteristics of gamma knife radiosurgery. Tumor volume,
ventricular invasion or ventricular lesion in multiple lesion in multiple lesion are
important factors to be considered for the wide field radiation therapy. Tumor volume
smaller than 20§¨, single lesion, no ventricular lesion or invasion, and normal tumor
marker are ideal indications for small involved field radiation therapy. Prophylactic spinal
irradiation seems to be necessary when there is ventricular lesion, ventricular lesion,
ventricular invasion, and multiple lesions. When the tumor volume is large than
20cm3, multiple lesions, abnormal tumor marker, and would be most
beneficial in these group.


»ý½Ä¼¼Æ÷Á¾; µÎ°³°­³»; Àç¹ß¾ç»ó; ¹æ»ç¼± ¼ö¼ú; °¨¸¶ ³ªÀÌÇÁ; Germ cell tumor; Intracranial; Failure pattern; Radiosurgery; Gamma knife;

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