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mM/kg), ¹æ»ç¼±Á¶»ç(2.5 Gy), tirapazamine °ú ¹æ»ç¼±Á¶»çÀÇ º´¿ë µîÀ» »ç¿ëÇÏ¿© 4ÀÏ°£ 8ȸ
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Purpose : Tumor hypoxia can be overcome with hypoxic cytotoxin. In mouse tumor,
tirapazamine's efficacy of the potentiating radiation effect was tested by the tumor
oxygenation status combined with hyperfactionated radiotherapy.
Materials and Methods : The control and hypoxic mouse tumors were established by
inoculation of RIF-1 tumor cells into the normal or previously irradiated back and thigh
of C3H mice. When the tumors reached a proper size, both the control and hypoxic
tumor were given hyperfractionated treatments (8 fractions/4 days) with saline (0.02
ml/g), tirapazamin (0.08 mM/0.02 ml/kg), irradiation (2.5 Gy), irradiation combined with
tirapazamine given 30 minutes prior to each irradiation, The response was evaluated by
the growth delay assay by measuring tumor size form day 0 (12 hrs prior to the first
fractionation) to the day when the volume had 4-fold increase of cross sectional area
had 2-fold increase.
Results : Overall growth pattern showed that tirapazamine potentiated radiation effect
in back and thigh tumors grew in the normal and preirradiated tumor bed. With growth
delay assay using reference point of initial tumor volume of cross sectional area,
tirapazamine potentiated radiation effect 1.9 times for the control and 2.4 times for the
hypoxic tumors in back, and 1.85 times for the control and 1.6 times for the hypoxic
tumors. With reference of 4-fold increase of the initial volume or 2-fold increase of the
cross sectional area, tirapazamine potentiated radiation effect 1.48 times for the control
and 2.02 times for the hypoxic tumors in back, and 1.85 times for the control and 1.6
times for the hypoxic tumors.
Conclusion : Present result indicated that radiation response of hypoxic tumors was
potentiated by tirapazamine in the back or thigh tumors grew in the control or
preirradiated tumor bed, and potentiation of the hypoxic tumors was equal to or greater
than that of the control tumors in the back or thigh.


Tumor hypoxia; Tirapazamine; Radiation; Growth delay;

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