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Purpose : To investigate whether combined beta-carotene with X-irradiation has more
enhanced radition response than X-irradiation or not, we performed a experiment about
in vitro cytotoxicity of beta-carotene and/or X-irradiation in the fibrosarcoma cells,
tumor growth delay of combined beta-carotene with/or X-irradiation in the mouse
Materials and Methods : 2% emulsion of beta-carotene was serially diluted and used.
X-irradiation was given by 6 MeV linear accelerator. The cytotoxicity of beta-carotene
in vitro was evaluated from clonogenic assay. To compare the cytotoxicity between
combined beta-carotene with X-irradiation and X-irradiation group, 2 mg/ml of
beta-carotene was contacted to fibrosarcoma (FSall) cells for 1 hour before
X-irradiation. For the tumor growth delay, single 20 Gy was given to FSall tumor
bearing C3H/N mice which was classified as beta-crotene with X-irradiation group
(n=6) and X-irradiation alone group (n=5). 0.2 ml of 20 mg/kg of beta-carotene were i.p.
injected to mice 30 minute before X-irradiation in the beta-crotene with X-irradiation
group. The tumor growth delay as the time which reach to 1,000§§ of tumor volume.
Results : (1) Cytotoxicity in vitro; 1) survival fraction at beta-carotene concentration
of 0.002, 0.02, 0.2 and 2 mg/ml were 0.69¡¾0.07, 0.59¡¾0.08, 0.08¡¾0.008 and 0.02¡¾0.006,
respectively. 2) each survival fraction at 2, 4, 6 and 8 Gy in the 2 mg/ml of
beta-carotene + X-irradiation group were 0.13¡¾0.05, 0.03¡¾0.005, 0.01¡¾0.002 and 0.009¡¾
0.0008, respectively. But each survival fraction at same irradiation dose in the
X-irradiation group were 0.66¡¾0.05, 0.40¡¾0.04, 0.11¡¾0.01 and 0.03¡¾0.006,
respectively(p<0.05). (2) The time which reach to 1,000§§ of tumor volume of
beta-carotene + X-irradiation group and X-irradiation alone group were 18, 19 days,
Conclusion : The contact of beta-caroten to FSall cells showed mild cytotoxicity
which was increased according to concentration. The cytotoxicity of combined
beta-carotene with X-irradiation more increased than that of X-irradiation, additionaly.
And there was significant difference of cytotoxicity between two groups. But there were
no significant difference of the growth delay of fibrosarcoma between two groups.


º£Å¸Ä«·Îƾ; ¼¼Æ÷µ¶¼º; Á¾¾ç¼ºÀå Áö¿¬; ¹æ»ç¼±Á¶»ç; Beta-carotene; Cytotoxicity; Tumor growth delay; X-irradiation;

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