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Introduction : Stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) can deliver highly focused radiation
to a small and spherical targer lesion with very high degree of mechanical accuracy.
For non-spherical and larger lesions, however, inclusion of the neighboring normal
structures within the high dose radiation volume is inevitable in SRT. This is to report
the beam shaping using the partial closure of the independent jaw in SRT and the
verification of dose calculation and the dose display using a home-made soft ware.
Materials & Methods : Authors adopted the idea to partially close one or more
independent collimator jaw(s) in addition to the circular collimator cones to shield the
neighboring normal structures while keeping the target lesion within the radiation beam
field at all angles along the arc trajectory. The output factors (OF's) and the
tissue-maximum ratios (IMR's) were measured using the micro ion chamber in the
water phantom dosimetry system, and were compared with the theoretical calculations.
A film dosimetry procedure was performed to obtain the depth dose profiles at 5 cm,
and they were also compared with the theoretical calculation dose would depend on the
actual area of irradiation. Authors incorporated this algorithm into the home-made SRT
software for the isodose calculation and display, and was tried on an example case with
single brain metastasis. The dose-volume histograms (DVH's) of the planning target
volume (PTV) and the normal brain derived by the control plan were reciprocally
compared with those derived by the plan using the same arc arrangement plus the
independent collimator jaw closure.
Results : When using 5.0 §¯ diameter collimator, the measurements of the OF's and
the TMR's with one independent jaw set at 30 mm (unblocked), 15.5 mm, 8.6 mm, and
0 mm from the central beam showed good correlation to the theoretical calculation
within 0.5% and 0.3% error range. The dose profiles at 5 cm depth obtained by the film
dosimetry also showed very good correlation to the theoretical calculations. The isodose
profiles obtained on the home-made software demonstrated a slightly more conformal
dose distribution around the target lesion by using the independent jaw closure, where
the DVH's of the PTV were almost equivalent on the two plans, while the DVH's for
the normal brain showed that less volume of the normal brain receiving high radiation
dose by using this modification than the control plan employing the circular collimator
cone only.
Conclusion : With the beam shaping modification using the independent jaw closure,
authors have realized wider clinical application of SRT with more conformal dose
planning. Authors believe that SRT, with beam shaping ideas and efforts, should no
longer be limited to the small spherical lesions, but be more widely applied to rather
irregularly shaped tumors in the intracranial and the head and neck regions.


Á¤À§¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ¼±·®ºÐÆ÷°èȹ; Stereotactic radiation therapy; Beam shaping;

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