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´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.167 ~ 176
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, linac based stereotactic radiosurgery ÀÇ È°¹ßÇÑ Àû¿ë°ú intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)ÀÇ µµÀÔ Áغñ µî °í³­µµÀÇ Ä¡·á ±â¼úµµÀÔÀÌ ½ÃµµµÇ°í ÀÖ´Ù. ÀúÀÚ´Â ÃÖ±Ù 20 ³â°£ Çѱ¹¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼± Á¾¾çÇÐÀÇ ¹ßÀüÀ» Á¶¸ÁÇÏ°í ÃÖ±Ù ¹ßÀüµÇ´Â 4 Â÷¿øÀû
, IMRT ÀÇ ÇöȲ , biological conformality Ä¡·áÀÇ °³³ä , Ç×¾ÏÁ¦¿Í ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·áÀÇ º´¿ë¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© »ìÆ캸°í ÃÖ±Ù Á¤º¸±â¼ú Çõ¸í¿¡ µû¸¥ ÀÎÅͳݰú ¹æ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐ ºÐ¾ßÀÇ Á¤º¸°ü¸® ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ Á߿伺 ¹× ¿ø°ÝÁø·áÀÇ ¼¼°èÀû ÇöȲ µî¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¾Ë¾Æº¸°í , 21 ¼¼±â
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±¸Ãà°ú Áß¿ä ¾Ï¿¡ ´ëÇÑ atterns of care study µî ½ÃÇàÀÇ Çʿ伺ÀÌ´Ù.

The objective of recent radiation therapy is to improve the quality of treatment and the after- treatment quality of life. In Korea, sharing the same objective, significant advancement was made due to the gradual increase of patient number and
increase of treatment facilities. The advancement includes generalization of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), application of linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and furthermore, the introduction of intensity modulated
radiation therapy (IMRT). Authors in this paper prospectively review the followings: the advancement of radiation oncology in Korea, the recent status of four-dimensional radiation therapy, IMRT, the concept of the treatment with biological
the trend of combined chemoradiotherapy, the importance of internet and radiation oncology information management system as influenced by the revolution of information technology, and finally the global trend of telemedicine in radiation
Additionally, we suggest the methods to improve radiotherapy treatment, which include improvement of quality assurance (QA) measures by developing Koreanized QA protocol and system, regional study about clinical protocol development for phase
clinical trial, suggestion of unified treatment protocol and guideline by academic or research societies, domestic generation of treatment equipment's or system, establishment of nationwide data base of radiation-oncology-related information, and
finally patterns-of-care study about major cancers.


21 ¼¼±â ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ¹æ»ç¼± Ä¡·á ÇöȲ; »õ·Î¿î ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á ¹æ¹ý; Radiotherapy in Korea; Radiation oncology in new Millennium; New radiotherapy technique;

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