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Á¦ 3 ±â Èä¼±Á¾¿¡¼­ ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·áÀÇ ¿ªÈ° Role of Radiation Therapy for Stage ¥² Thymoma

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Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of the postoperative radiation therapy for patients with Stage ¥² thymoma and to define the optimal radiotherapeutic regimen
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the records of 24 patients with
Stage ¥² thymoma who were referred for postoperative radiation therapy in our
institution from June, 1987 to May, 1999. Surgical therapy consisted of total resection in
one patient, subtotal resection in seventeen, and biopsy alone in six patients. Age of the
patients was ranged from 20 to 62 years with mean age of 47 years. Male to female
ratio was 14 to 10. Radiation therapy was delivered with linear accelerator producing
either 6 MeV or 10 MeV photons. The irradiated volume included anterior mediastinum
and known residual disease. The supraclavicular fossae were not irradiated. The
delivered total dose was ranged from 30 to 56 Gy. One patient received 30 Gy and
eighteen patients received minimum of 50 Gy. Follow up period was ranged from 12
months to 8 years with median follow up of 40 months.
Results: The overall local control rate for entire groups of patients was 67% at 5 years.
The cumulative local failure rates at one, three and five year were 18%, 28% and 33%,
respectively. In patients treated with subtotal resection and biopsy alone, local control
rate was 76% and 33%, respectively. The actuarial observed survival rate at 5 years
was 57%, and actuarial adjusted survival at 5 years was 72%. The difference between 5
year survival rates for patients treated with subtotal resection and biopsy alone was not
statistically significant (62% vs 30%).
Conclusion: We might conclude that postoperative radiation therapy was safe and
effective treatment for patients with Stage ¥² thymona. Postoperative radiation therapy
is recommended in cases where tumor margin is close or incomplete resection is


Èä¼±Á¾; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Thymoma; Radiation therapy;

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