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Purpose: To improve the local control of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer, we have implemented 3-D conformal radiotherapy and forward intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to used of compensating filters. Three dimension conformal
with intensity modulation is a new modality for cancer treatments. We designed 3-D treatment planning with 3-D RTP (radiation treatment planning system) and evaluation dose distribution with tumor control probability (TCP) and normal tissue
probability (NTCP).
Material and Methods: We have developed a treatment plan consisting four intensity
modulated photon fields that are delivered through the compensating filters and block
transmission for critical organs. We get a full size CT imaging including head and neck
as 3 mm slices, and delineating PTV (planning targer volume) and surrounding critical
organs, and reconstructed 3D imaging on the computer windows. In the planning stage,
the planner specifies the number of beams and their directions including non-coplanar,
and the prescribed doses for the target volume and the permissible dose of normal
organs and the overlap regions. We designed compensating filter according to tissue
deficit and PTV volume shape also dose weighting for each field to obtain adequate
dose distribution, and shielding blocks weighting for transmission. Therapeutic gains
were evaluated by numerical equation of tumor control probability and normal tissue
complication probability. The TCP and NTCP by DVH (dose volume histogram) were
compared with the 3-D conformal radiotherapy and forward intensity modulated
conformal radiotherapy by compensator and blocks weighting. Optimization for the
weight distribution was performed iteration with initial guess weight or the even weight
distribution. The TCP and NTCP by DVH were compared with the 3-D conformal
radiotherapy and intensity modulated conformal radiotherapy by compensator and blocks
Results: Using a four field IMRT plan, we have customized dose distribution to conform
and deliver sufficient dose to the PTV. In addition, in the overlap regions between the
PTV and the normal organs (spinal cord, salivary grand, pituitary, optic nerves), the
dose is kept within the tolerance of the respective organs. We evaluated to obtain
sufficient TCP value and acceptable NTCP using compensating filter. Quality assurance
checks show acceptable agreement between the planned and the implemented
MLC(multi-leaf collimator).
Conclusion: IMRT provides a powerful and efficient solution for complex planning
problems where the surrounding normal tissues place severe constraints on the
prescription dose. The intensity modulated fields can be efficaciously and accurately
delivered using compensating filters.


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