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³ú¼ö¸·Á¾¿¡¼­ ¼±Çü°¡¼Ó±â¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¹æ»ç¼±¼ö¼ú È¿°ú Treatment of Intracranial Meningioma with Linac Based Radiosurgery

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Purpose: To evaluate the role of linac based radiosurgery(RS) in the treatment of meningiomas, we retrospectively analyzed the results of clinical and follow up CT/MRI studies.
Methods and Materials: From the 1998 July to 1998 April, twenty patients of
meningioma had been treated with 6 MV linear accelerator based radiosurgery. Of the
20 patients, four (20%) were male and 16(80%) were female. Mean age was 51 years
old (22~78 years old). Majority of intracranial location of tumor for RS were parasagittal
and sphenoid wing area. RS was done for primary treatment in 6 (30%), postoperative
residual lesions in 11 (55%) and regrowth after surgery in 3 (15%). Mean tumor volume
was 5.72 cm3 (0.78~15.1 cm3) and secondary collimator size
was 2.04 cm (1~3 cm). The periphery of tumor margin was prescribed with the mean
dose of 19.6 Gy (9~30 Gy) which was 40~90% of the tumor center dose. The follow up
duration ranged from 2.5 to 109 months (median 53 months). Annual CT/MRI scan was
Results: By the follow up imaging studies, the tumor volume was reduced in 5 cases
(25%), arrested growth in 14 cases(70%), and increased size in 1 case (15%). Among
these responsive and stable 19 patients by imaging studies, there showed loss of
contrast enhancement after CT/MRI in four patients In clinical response, nine (45%)
patients were considered improved condition, 10 (50%) patients were stable and one
(5%) was worsened to be operated. This party resulted in necrosis after surgery.
Conclusion: The overall control rate of meningiomas with linac based RS was 95% by
both imaging follow-up and clinical evaluation. With this results, linac based RS is
considered safe and effective treatment method for meningioma


³ú¼ö¸·Á¾; ¼±Çü°¡¼Ó±â; ¹æ»ç¼±¼ö¼ú; Meningioma; Linear accelerator; Radiosurgery;

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