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Purpose: To evaluate the role of LINAC-based stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in the management of meningiomas, we reviewed clinical response, image response, neurological deficits for patients treated at our institution.
Methods and Materials: Between February 1995 and December 1999, twenty-six patients
were treated with SRS. Seven patients had undergone prior resection. Nineteen patients
received SRS as the initial treatment. There were 7 male and 19 female patients. The
median age was 51 years (range, 14~67 years). At least one clinical symptom presented
at the time of SRS in 17 patients and cranial neuropathy was seen in 7 patients. The
median tumor volume was 4.7 cm3 (range, 0.7~16.5 cm3).
The mean marginal dose was 15 Gy (range, 10~20 Gy), delivered to the 80% isodose
surface (range, 46~90%). The median clinical and imaging follow-up periods were 27
months (range, 1-71 months) and 24 months(range, 1~52 months), respectively.
Results: Of 14 patients who had clinical follow-up of one year or longer, thirteen
patients (93%) were improved clinically at follow-up examination. Clinical symptom
worsened in one patient at 4 months after SRS as a result of intratumoral edema, who
underwent surgical resection at 7 months. Of 14 patients who had radiologic follow-up
of one year or longer, tumor volume decreased in 7 patients (50%) at a median of 11
months (range, 6~25 months), remained stable in 6 patients (43%), and increase in one
patient(7%), who underwent surgical resection at 44 moths. New radiation-induced
neurological deficits developed in six patients (23%). Five patients(19%) had transient
neurological deficits, completely resolved by conservative treatment including steroid
therapy. Radiation-induced brain necrosis developed in one patient (3.8%) at 9 months
after SRS who followed by surgical resection of tumor and necrotic tissue.
Conclusions: LINAC-based SRS proves to be an effective and safe management strategy
for small to moderate sized meningiomas, inoperable, residual, and recurrent, but
long-term follow-up will be necessary to fully evaluate its efficacy. To reduce the
radiation-induced neurological deficit for large size meningioma and/or in the proximity
of critical and neural structure, more delicate treatment planning and optimal decision of
radiation dose will be necessary.


¼ö¸·Á¾; Á¤À§¹æ»ç¼±¼ö¼ú; ¼±Çü°¡¼Ó±â; ½Å°æÇÐÀû ÈÄÀ¯Áõ; Meningioma; Radiosurgery; Linear accelerator; Neurological deficit;

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