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³ú¼ö¸·Á¾ ȯÀÚÀÇ ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á Postoperative Radiotherapy for Intracranical Meningioma

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Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of postoperative external radiotherapy for patients with intracranial meningiomas.
Materials and Methods: the records of thirty three patients with intracranial
meningiomas who were treated with postoperative external irradiation at our institution
between Feb, 1988 and Nov, 1999 wee retrospectively analyzed. Median age of patients
at diagnosis was 53 years with range of 17 to 68 years. Sites of involvement were
parasagital, cerebral convexity, sphenoid ridge, parasellar and tentorium cerebelli. Of 33
evaluated patients, 15 transitional, 10 meningotheliomatous, 4 hemangiopericytic, 3
atypical and 1 malignant meningioma were identified. Four patients underwent biopsy
alone and remaining 29 patients underwent total tumor resection. A dose of 50 to 60 Gy
was delivered in 28-35 daily fractions over a period of 5 to 7 weeks. Follow-up period
ranged from 12 months to 8 years.
Results: The actuarial survival rates at 5 and 7 years for entire group of patients were
78% and 67%, respectively. The corresponding disease free survival rates were 73% and
61%, respectively. The overall local control rate at 5 years was 83%. One out of 25
patients in benign group developed local failure, while 4 out of 8 patients in malignant
group did local failure (p<0.05). Of 4 patients who underwent biopsy alone, 2 developed
local failure. There was no significant difference in 5 year actuarial survival between
patients who underwent total tumor resection and those who did biopsy alone. Patients
whose age is under 60 showed slightly better survival than those whose age is 60 or
older, although this was not statistically significant. There was no documented late
complications in any patients.
Conclusion: Based on our study, we might conclude that postoperative external beam
radiotherapy tends to improve survival of patients with intracranial meningiomas
comparing with surgery alone.


³ú¼ö¸·Á¾; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Meningioma; Radiotherapy;

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