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ÀڱðæºÎ¾Ï¿¡ À־ ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á ÈÄÀÇ Ä¡·á½ÇÆÐ ºÐ¼® Analysis of Treatment Failure after Curative Radiotherapy in Uterine Cervical Carcinoma

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 19±Ç 3È£ p.224 ~ 229
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Kaplan-Meyer ¹ýÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ±¸ÇÏ¿´°í, »ýÁ¸À²ÀÇ ºñ±³´Â Log-rank test·Î, ´Ùº¯·®ºÐ¼®Àº Cox proportional hazard modelÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±¹¼Ò ¶Ç´Â ¿ø°Ý½ÇÆп¡ ´ëÇÑ ´Üº¯·®, ´Ùº¯·®ºÐ¼®Àº logistic regression modelÀ» »ç¿ëÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¹æ±¤ ¹× Á÷ÀåÀÇ ÇÕº´Áõ Æò°¡´Â
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the treatment failure patterns and the risk factors for locoregional or distant failure of uterine cervical carcinoma treated with radiation therapy. Materials and methods: A
analysis was undertaken of 154 patients treated with curative radiation therapy in Gyeongsang National University Hospital from April 1989 through December 1997. According to FIGO classification, 12 patients were stage ¥°B, 24 were ¥±A, 98 were
¥±B, 1
were ¥²A, 17 were ¥²B, 2 were ¥³A. Results: Overall treatment failure rate was 42.1% (65/154), and that of complete responder was 31.5% (41/130). Among 65 failures, 25 failed locoregionally, another 25 failed distantly, and 15 failed
locoregionally and distantly. Multivariate analysis confirmed tumor size (>4 §¯) as risk factor for locoregional failure, and tumor size (>4 §¯), pelvic lymph node involvement as risk factors for distant failure. Conclusion: On the basis
results of our study and recent published data of prospective randomized study for locally advanced uterine cervical carcinoma, we concluded that uterine cervical carcinoma with size more than 4 §¯ or pelvic lymph node involvement should be
concurrent chemoradiation.


ÀڱðæºÎ¾Ï; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ½ÇÆоç»ó; Cervix cancer; Radiotherapy; Failure pattern;

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