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¼¼±âÁ¶Àý¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á(Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy;IMRT)ÀÇ Á¤µµº¸Áõ Quality Assurance) (Quality Assurance for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

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Purpose: To setup procedures of quality assurance (QA) for implementing intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) clinically, report QA procedures performed for one patient with prostate cancer. Materials and methods:
(ADAC) and linear accelerator (Siemens) with multileaf collimator are used to implement IMRT. At first, the positional accuracy, reproducibility of MLC, and leaf transmission factor were evaluated. RTP commissioning was performed again to
field effect. After RTP recommissioning, a test plan of a C-shaped PTV was made using 9 intensity modulated beams, and the calculated isocenter dose was compared with the measured one in solid water phantom. As a patient-specific IMRT QA, one
with prostate cancer was planned using 6 beams of total 74 segmented fields. The same beams were used to recalculate dose in a solid water phantom. Dose of these beams were measured with a 0.015 cc micro-ionization chamber, a diode detector,
an array detector and compared with calculated one. Results: The positioning accuracy of MLC was about 1 §®, and the reproducibility was around 0.5 §®. For leaf transmission factor for 10 MV photon beams, interleaf leakage was measured
midleaf leakage 0.9% relative to 10¡¿10 §² open filed. Penumbra measured with film, diode detector, micro- ionization chamber, and conventional 0.125 §¦ chamber showed that 80¡­20% penumbra width measured with a 0.125 cc chamber was 2 §® larger
that of film, which means a 0.125 §¦ ionization chamber was unacceptable for measuring small field such like 0.5 §¯ beamlet. After RTP recommissioning, the discrepancy between the measured and calculated dose profile for a small field of 1¡¿1 §²
was less than 2%. The isocenter dose of the test plan of C-shaped PTV was measured two times with micro-ionization chamber in solid phantom showed that the errors upto 12% for individual beam, but total dose delivered were agreed with the
within 2%. The transverse dose distribution measured with EC-L film was agreed with the calculated one in general. The isocenter dose for the patient measured in solid phantom was agreed within 1.5%. Off-axis dose profiles of each individual beam
at the
position of the central leaf measured with film and array detector were found that at out-of-the-field region, the calculated dose underestimates about 2%, at inside-the-field the measured one was agreed within 3%, except some position.
Conclusion: It is necessary more tight quality control of MLC for IMRT relative to conventional large field treatment and to develop QA procedures to check intensity pattern more efficiently. At the conclusion, we did setup an appropriate
procedures for IMRT by a series of verifications including the measurement of absolute dose at the isocenter with a micro-ionization chamber, film dosimetry for verifying intensity pattern, and another measurement with an array detector for
off-axis dose profile.


¼¼±âÁ¶Àý¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Á¤µµº¸Áõ; Intensity modulated radiation therapy; Quality assurance;

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