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Purpose: To clarify the clinical benefit derived from the combined modality therapy (CMT) consisting of chemotherapy (CT) and involved field radiotherapy (RT) for stage ¥° and ¥± angiocentric lymphomas of the head and neck. Materials
Of 143 patients with angiocentric lymphoma of the head and neck treated at our hospital between 1976 and 1995, 104 patients (RT group) received involved field RT alone with a median dose of 50.4 Gy (range : 20¡­70 Gy), while 39
(CMT group) received a median 3 cycles (range : 1¡­6 cycles) of CT before involved field RT. The response rate, patterns of failure, complications, and survival data of the RT group were compared with those of the CMT group. Results:
higher response rate, local failure was the most common pattern of failure in patients of both groups. The patterns of failure, including the systemic relapse rate were not influenced by the addition of combination CT. Although both modalities
tolerated by the majority of patients, aberrant immunologic disorders or medical illnesses, such as a hemophagocytic syndrome, sepsis, intractable hemorrhage, or the evolution of second primary malignancies were more frequently observed in
the CMT group. The prognosis of patients in the RT group was relatively poor, with a 5-year overall actuarial survival rate of 38% and disease-free survival rate of 32%, respectively. However, their clinical outcome was not altered by the
systemic CT. Achieving complete remission was the most important prognostic factor by univariate and multivariate analyses, but treatment modality was not found to be a prognostic variable influencing survival. Conclusions: Involved field
alone for angiocentric lymphoma of the head and neck was insufficient to achieve an improved survival rate, but the addition of CT to involved field RT failed to demonstrate any therapeutic advantage over involved field RT alone.


È­Çпä¹ý; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Ç÷°ü Áß½ÉÀ§ ¸²ÇÁÁ¾; Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy; Angiocentric lymphoma;

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