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Purpose: 3D conformal radiotherapy, the optimum dose delivered to the tumor and provided the risk of normal tissue unless marginal miss, was restricted by organ motion. For tumors in the thorax and abdomen, the planning target volume (PTV)
decided including the margin for movement of tumor volumes during treatment due to patients breathing. We designed the respiratory gating radiotherapy device (RGRD) for using during CT simulation, dose planning and beam delivery at identical
period conditions. Using RGRD, reducing the treatment margin for organ (thorax or abdomen) motion due to breathing and improve dose distribution for 3D conformal radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: The internal organ motion data for lung
patients were obtained by examining the diaphragm in the supine position to find the position dependency. We made a respiratory gating radiotherapy device (RGRD) that is composed of a strip band, drug sensor, micro switch, and a connected on-off
in a LINAC control box. During same breathing period by RGRD, spiral CT scan, virtual simulation, and 3D dose planing for lung cancer patients were performed, without an extended PTV margin for free breathing, and then the dose was delivered at
positions. We calculated effective volumes and normal tissue complication probabilities (NTCP) using dose volume histograms for normal lung, and analyzed changes in doses associated with selected NTCP levels and tumor control probabilities (TCP)
these new dose levels. The effects of 3D conformal radiotherapy by RGRD were evaluated with DVH (Dose Volume Histogram), TCP, NTCP and dose statistics. Results: The average movement of a diaphragm was 1.5 §¯ in the supine position when
breathed freely. Depending on the location of the tumor, the magnitude of the PTV margin needs to be extended from 1 §¯ to 3 §¯, which can greatly increase normal tissue irradiation, and hence, results in increase of the normal tissue
probability. Simple and precise RGRD is very easy to setup on patients and is sensitive to length variation (£«2 §®), it also delivers on-off information to patients and the LINAC machine. We evaluated the treatment plans of patients who had
conformal partial organ lung irradiation for the treatment of thorax malignancies. Using RGRD, the PTV margin by free breathing can be reduced about 2 §¯ for moving organs by breathing. TCP values are almost the same values (4¡­5% increased) for
cancer regardless of increasing the PTV margin to 2.0 §¯ but NTCP values are rapidly increased (60¡­70% increased) for upon extending PTV margins by 2.0 §¯. Conclusion: Internal organ motion due to breathing can be reduced effectively
simple RGRD. This method can be used in clinical treatments to reduce organ motion induced margin, thereby reducing normal tissue irradiation. Using treatment planning software, the dose to normal tissues was analyzed by comparing dose statistics
and without RGRD. Potential benefits of radiotherapy derived from reduction or elimination of planning target volume (PTV) margins associated with patient breathing through the evaluation of the lung cancer patients treated with 3D conformal


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