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Purpose: A retrospective study was undertaken to determine the role of conventional radiotherapy with or without surgery for treating a supraglottic carcinoma in terms of the local control and survival.

Materials and Methods: From Jan. 1986 to Oct. 1996, a total of 134 patients were treated for a supraglottic carcinoma by radiotherapy with or without surgery. Of them, 117 patients who had completed the radiotherapy formed the base of this
The patients were redistributed according to the revised AJCC staging system (1997). The number of patients of stage¥°, ¥±, ¥², ¥³A, ¥³B were 6 (5%), 16 (14%), 53 (45 %), 32 (27%), 10 (9%), respectively. Eighty patients were treated by radical
radiotherapy in the range of 61.2¡­79.2 §í (mean : 69.2 §í) to the primary tumor and 45.0¡­93.6 §í (mean : 54.0 §í) to regional lymphatics. All patients with stage ¥° and ¥³B were treated by radiotherapy alone. Thirty-seven patients underwent
plus postoperative radiotherapy in the range of 45.0¡­68.4 §í (mean : 56.1 §í) to the primary tumor bed and 45.0¡­59.4 §í (mean : 47.2 §í) to the regional lymphatics. Of them, 33 patients received a total laryngectomy (¡¾lymph node dissection),
had a supraglottic horizontal laryngectomy (¡¾lymph node dissection), and one had a primary excision alone.

Results: The 5-year survival rate (5YSR) of all patients was 43%. The 5YSRs of the patients with stage ¥°£«¥±, ¥²£«¥³ were 49.9%, 41.2%, respectively (p=0.27). However, the disease-specific survival rate of the patients with stage I (n=6)
100%. The 5YSRs of patients who underwent surgery plus radiotherapy (S£«RT) vs radiotherapy alone (RT) in stage ¥±, ¥², ¥³A were 100% vs 43% (p=0.17), 62% vs 52% (p=0.32), 58% vs 6% (p<0.001), respectively. The 5-year actuarial locoregional
(5YLCR) of all the patients was 57%. The 5YLCR of the patients with stage ¥°, ¥±, ¥², ¥³A, ¥³B was 100%, 74%, 60%, 44%, 30%, respectively (p=0.008). The 5YLCR of the patients with S£«RT vs RT in stage ¥±, ¥², ¥³A was 100% vs 68% (p=0.29), 67% vs
(p=0.23), 81% vs 20% (p<0.001), respectively. In the radiotherapy alone group, the 5YLCR of the patients with a complete, partial, and minimal response were 76%, 20%, 0%, respectively (p<0.001). In all patients, multivariate analysis showed that
N-stage, surgery or not, and age were significant factors affecting the survival rate and that the N-stage, surgery or not, and the ECOG performance index were significant factors affecting the locoregional control. In the radiotherapy alone
multivariate analysis showed that the radiation response and N-stage were significant factors affecting the overall survival rate as well as locoregional control.

Conclusion: In early stage supraglottic carcinoma, conventional radiotherapy alone is an equally effective modality compared to surgery plus radiotherapy and could preserve the laryngeal function. However, in the advanced stages,
combined with concurrent chemotherapy for laryngeal preservation or surgery should be considered. In bulky neck disease, all the possible planned neck dissections after induction chemotherapy or before radiotherapy should be attempted.


¼º¹®»óºÎ¾Ï; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ±¹¼ÒÁ¾¾çÁ¦¾îÀ²; Supraglottic carcinoma; Radiotherapy; Locoregional control;

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