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Purpose: This study evaluated the treatment outcomes, patterns of failure, and treatment related complications of primary lymphoma patients who received definitive radiation therapy.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was undertaken for 31 patients with primary orbital lymphoma at the Asan Medical Center between February 1991 and April 2001. There were 18 males and 13 females with ages ranging from 3 to 73
(median, 44 years). The involved sites were 9 conjunctivae, 12 eyelids and 10 other orbits. The histological types were 28 MALT lymphomas (low-grade B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type), 1 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 1
anaplastic large cell lymphoma and 1 lymphoblastic lymphoma. The Ann Arbor stages were all IE (100%). Ann Arbor stage ¥² or ¥³ patients were excluded from this study. Bilateral orbital involvement occurred in 6 cases. Radiation therapy was given
one anterior port of high energy electrons (6¡­16 MeV) for the lesions located at the anterior structures like the conjunctivae or eyelids. Lesions with a posterior extension or other orbital lesions were treated with 4 or 6 MeV photons with
appropriately arranged portals. In particular, lens blocks composed of lead alloy were used in conjunctival or eyelid lesions. Twelve patients received chemotherapy. The median follow-up period was 53 months.

Results: The 5-year overall, cause-specific, and disease-free survival was 91%, 96%, and 80%, respectively. The complete response rate 6 months after radiation therapy was 100%. Local recurrences were observed in 2 patients at 16 and 18
after completion of radiation treatment. They were salvaged with additional radiation therapy. Two patients developed distant metastases. A MALT lymphoma patient with a lung relapse was successfully salvaged with radiotherapy, but the other
lymphoblastic lymphoma patient with bone marrow relapse expired. There were no severe complications but 5 patients developed radiation-induced cataracts and 2 patients developed dry eye.

Conclusion: Most primary orbital lymphomas consisted of MALT lymphomas. Radiation therapy was a successful treatment modality for orbital lymphoma without any severe complications. In cases of local relapses, radiation therapy is also a
successful salvage treatment modality.


¾È¿Í ¸²ÇÁÁ¾; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; REAL classification; Orbital lymphoma; Radiation therapy; REAL classification;

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