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Objective: A retrospective study was performed to evaluate whether postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy can improve survival and decrease recurrence as compared with surgery alone in resected esophageal cancer.

Materials and Methods: From Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1993, among 94 esophageal cancer patients treated with surgery, fifty-one patients were included in this study. Transthoracic esophagectomy was performed in 35 patients and transhiatal
in 16. Postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy was performed 4 weeks after surgery in 26 among 38 patients in stage ¥± and ¥². A total dose of 30~60 §í in 1.8 §í daily fraction, median 54 §í over 6 weeks, was delivered in the mediastinum£«both
supraclavicular lymph nodes or celiac lymph nodes according to the tumor location. Forty-seven patients(92%) had squamous histology. The median follow-up period was 38 months.

Results: The overall 2-year and 5-year survival and median survival were 56.4%, 36.8% and 45 months. Two-year and 5-year survival and median survival by stage were 92%, 60.3% for stage ¥°, 63%, 42% and 51 months for stage ¥± and 34%, 23% and
months for stage ¥² (p=0.04). For stage ¥± and ¥² patients, 5-year survival and median survival were 22.8%, 45 months for the surgery alone group and 37.8%, 22 months for the postoperative RT group (p=0.89). For stage ¥² patients, 2-year survival
median survival were 0%, 11 months for the surgery alone group and 36.5%, 20 months for the postoperative RT group (p=0.14). Local and distant failure rates for stage ¥± and ¥² were 50%, 16% for the surgery alone and 39%, 31% for the postoperative
group. For N1 patients, local failure rate was 71% for the surgery alone group and 37% for the postoperative RT group (p=0.19). Among 10 local failures in the postoperative RT group, in-field failures were 2, marginal failures 1, out-field 5 and
anastomotic site failures 2.

Conclusion: There were no statistically significant differences in either the overall survival or the patterns of failure between the surgery alone group and the postoperative RT group for resected stage ¥± and ¥² esophageal cancer. But
study showed a tendency of survival improvement and decrease in local failure when postoperative RT was performed for stage ¥² or N1 though statistically not significant. To decrease local failure, a more generous radiation field encompassing the
supraclavicular, mediastinal, and celiac lymph nodes and anastomotic site in postoperative adjuvant treatment should be considered.


½Äµµ¾Ï; ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Esophageal cancer; Surgery; Radiotherapy;

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