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¼­¿ï´ëÇб³º´¿øÇü ¹æ»ç¼±¼ö¼ú Ç¥Áرâ¹ýÀÇ Áß½ÉÁ¡ ¼±·®ÀÇ ¿ÀÂ÷ Radiation Dose Accuracy at the Isocenter: Standard Stereotactic Radiosurgery Technique Developed at Seoul National University Hospital

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°á·Ð: Áß½ÉÁ¡ ¼±·® ¿ÀÂ÷´Â ¾à 3% Á¤µµ·Î¼­ DICOM 3.0 Ç¥ÁØÇü½ÄÀ» ÅëÇÑ ¿µ»óÀÚ·á ó¸® µîÀÇ °³¼±Ã¥À» ÅëÇÑ ÃÖ¼ÒÈ­ ³ë·ÂÀÌ ÇÊ¿äÇÏ´Ù.

Purpose: To confirm the accuracy of the radiation dose at the isocenter by the standard linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery technique which was developed at Seoul National University Hospital.

Materials and Methods: Radiation dosimetry was undertaken during standard 5-arc radiosurgery using 6 §Æ X-ray beam from CL2100C linac. The treatment head was attached with circular tertiary collimators of 10 and 20 §® diameter. We measured
absorbed dose at the isocenter of a multi-purpose phantom using two kinds of detector:a 0.125 §¦ ionization chamber and a silicon diode detector.

Results: The dose differences at each arc plane between the planned dose and the measured dose at the isocenter raged from -0.73% to -2.69% with the 0.125 §¦ ion chamber, and from -1.29% to -2.91% with the diode detector during radiosurgery
the tertiary collimator of 20 §® diameter. Those with the 10-§® tertiary collimator ranged from -2.39% to -4.25% with the diode.

Conclusion: The dose accuracy at the isocenter was ¡¾3%. Therefore, further efforts such as modification in processing of the archived image through DICOM3.0 format are required to lessen the dose difference.


Á¤À§¹æ»ç¼±¼ö¼ú; ´Ù¿ëµµ ÆÒÅè; Áß½ÉÁ¡ ¼±·®; Stereotatic radiosurgery; Multi-purpose phantom; Isocenter dose;

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