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Purpose : To evaluate the role of fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) in the management of benign brain tumors, we reviewed the clinical, and radiographic responses of patients treated.

Methods and Materials : Between March 1996 and March 2002, 36 patients with benign brain tumors were treated by FSRT. The pathological diagnoses consisted of pituitary adenomas (12 patients), craniopharyngiomas (5 patients), meningiomas (10 patients), and acoustic neurinomas (9 patients). Radiotherapy doses of 25 to 35 Gy (3¡­6 Gy/fraction, 5¡­10 fractions) were prescribed to the 85¡­90% isodose line, depending upon the location, size and volume of the tumors. The median clinical and radiographical follow- up periods were 31 (range, 2¡­74) and 21 (range, 4¡­56) months, respectively.

Results : In the 35 patients that could be evaluated for their clinical response, 13 (37.1%) were considered improved, 16 (45.7%) stable and 6 (17.2%) worse. Of the 33 patients who had radiographic studies, tumor shrinkage was noted in 17 (51.5%), tumor stabilization in 13 (39.4%), and tumor progression in 3 (9.1%). Of the 17 tumor shrinkage patients, 7 (21.2%) showed a complete response. Acute radiation-induced complications occurred in 11 (30.6%) patients.

Conclusion : FSRT is considered a safe and effective treatment method for benign brain tumors, but large numbers of patients, with relatively long follow-up periods are needed to assess the exact role or effect of FSRT.


¾ç¼º ³úÁ¾¾ç; ºÐÇÒ Á¤À§ ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á;Benign brain tumor; Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy

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