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Purpose : To analyze the gene expression profiles of uterine cervical cancer, and its variation after radiation therapy, with or without concurrent chemotherapy, using a cDNA microarray.

Materials and Methods : Sixteen patients, 8 with squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix, who were treated with radiation alone, and the other 8 treated with concurrent chemo-radiation, were included in the study. Before the starting of the treatment, tumor biopsies were carried out, and the second time biopsies were performed after a radiation dose of 16.2¡­27 Gy. Three normal cervix tissues were used as a control group. The microarray experiments were performed with 5 groups of the total RNAs extracted individually and then admixed as control, pre-radiation therapy alone, during-radiation therapy alone, pre-chemoradiation therapy, and during-chemoradiation therapy. The 33P-labeled cDNAs were synthesized from the total RNAs of each group, by reverse transcription, and then they were hybridized to the cDNA microarray membrane. The gene expression of each microarrays was captured by the intensity of each spot produced by the radioactive isotopes. The pixels per spot were counted with an Arrayguage , and were exported to Microsoft Excel . The data were normalized by the Z transformation, and the comparisons were performed on the Z-ratio values calculated.

Results : The expressions of 15 genes, including integrin linked kinase (ILK), CDC28 protein kinase 2, Spry 2, and ERK 3, were increased with the Z-ratio values of over 2.0 for the cervix cancer tissues compared to those for the normal controls. Those genes were involved in cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle control, or signal transduction. The expressions of the other 6 genes, including G protein coupled receptor kinase 6, were decreased with the Z-ratio values of below -2.0. After the radiation therapy, most of the genes, with a previously increase expressions, represented the decreased expression profiles, and the genes, with the Z-ratio values of over 2.0, were cyclic nucleotide gated channel and 3 Expressed sequence tags (EST). In the concurrent chemo-radiation group, the genes involved in cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle control, and signal transduction were shown to have increased expressions compared to the radiation therapy alone group. The expressions of genes involved in angiogenesis (angiopoietin-2), immune reactions (formyl peptide receptor-like 1), and DNA repair (cAMP phosphodiesterase) were increased, however, the expression of gene involved in apoptosis (death associated protein kinase) was decreased.

Conclusion : The different kinds of genes involved in the development and progression of cervical cancer were identified with the cDNA microarray, and the proposed theory is that the proliferation signal starts with ILK, and is amplified with Spry 2 and MAPK signaling, and the cellular mitoses are increased with the increased expression of Cdc 2 and cell division kinases. After the radiation therapy, the expression profiles demonstrated the evidence of the decreased cancer cell proliferation. There was no significant difference in the morphological findings of cell death between the radiation therapy alone and the chemo-radiation groups in the second time biopsy specimen, however, the gene expression profiles were markedly different, and the mechanism at the molecular level needs further study.


Uterine cervix cancer; cDNA microarray; Gene expression; Radiation therapy; Chemo-radiation therapy;ÀڱðæºÎ¾Ï; cDNA microarray; À¯ÀüÀÚ¹ßÇö; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ¹æ»ç¼±Ç×¾ÏÈ­ÇÐ º´¿ëÄ¡·á

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