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Purpose: To analyze the survival outcomes and prognostic factors in glioblastoma patients treated with surgery and radiation therapy.
Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty glioblastoma patients treated with postoperative radiation therapy from 1994 to 2003 at Samsung Medical Center were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical extents were gross total resection in 22 patients (18%), subtotal resection in 69 (58%), and biopsy only in 29 (24%). The median radiation dose was 60 Gy, ranging from 45 Gy to 72 Gy. The median follow-up period was 12 months ranging from 2 to 62 months.

Results: The overall 1- and 2-year survival rates were 52% and 14%, respectively, and the median survival duration was 13 months. Favorable prognostic factors by Uunivariate analyses of prognostic factors on 1-year survival rate wererevealed that age under 50 (p£¼0.01), ECOG performance status 0 or 1 (p=0.03), single lesion (p=0.02), and gross total resection (p=0.04), were the favorable prognostic factors. and by Mmultivariate analyses wererevealed that female (p£¼0.01), age under 50 (p£¼0.01), ECOG performance status 0 or 1 (p=0.05) and gross total resection (p=0.05) were the favorable prognostic factors.

Conclusions: The results of our study were comparable with those previously reported. To improve treatment outcome, various modifications, including radiation dose escalation through newer radiation therapy techniques and use of effective chemotherapy regimen, should be further investigated. investigated. Also Furthermore, the application of individualized treatment strategy based on the patient¢¥s¢¥ prognostic factors might be needed.


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