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Purpose: To conduct a nationwide survey on the principles in radiotherapy for rectal cancer, and produce a database of Korean Patterns of Care Study.

Materials and Methods: We developed web-based Patterns of Care Study system and a national survey was conducted using random sampling based on power allocation methods. Eligible patients were who had postoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer without gross residual tumor after surgical resection and without previous history of other cancer and radiotherapy to pelvis. Data of patients were inputted to the web based PCS system by each investigators in 19 institutions.

Results: Informations on 309 patients with rectal cancer who received radiotherapy between 1998 and 1999 were collected. Male to female ratio was 59£º41, and the most common location of tumor was lower rectum (46%). Preoperative CEA was checked in 79% of cases and its value was higher than 6 ng/ml in 32%. Pathologic stage were I in 1.6%, II in 32%, III in 63%, and IV in 1.6%. Low anterior resection was the most common type of surgery and complete resection was performed in 95% of cases. Distal resection margin was less than 2 cm in 30%, and number of lymph node dissected was less than 12 in 31%. Chemotherapy was performed in 91% and most common regimen was 5-FU and leucovorine (69%). The most common type of field arrangement used for the initial pelvic field was the four field box (Posterior-Right-Left) technique (65.0%), and there was no AP-PA parallel opposing field used. Patient position was prone in 81.2%, and the boost field was used in 61.8%. To displace bowel outward, pressure modulating devices or bladder filling was used in 40.1%. Radiation dose was prescribed to isocenter in 45.3% and to isodose line in 123 cases (39.8%). Percent delivered dose over 90% was achieved in 92.9%.

Conclusion: We could find the Patterns of Care for the radiotherapy in Korean rectal cancer patients was similar to that of US national survey. The type of surgery and the regimen of chemotherapy were variable according to institutions and the variations of radiation dose and field arrangement were within acceptable range.


Rectal cancer; Patterns of Care Study; Radiotherapy; Á÷Àå¾Ï; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Ä¡·áÇüÅÂ

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