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Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of arm morbidity following breast cancer surgery including axillary dissection and to identify related factors.

Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifty nine patients were studied using a self-report questionnaire and a clinical examination. Lymphedema, reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint and subjective symptoms (pain, impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness) were evaluated. As related factors, demographic, oncologic characteristics and types of treatment were analysed.

Results: The incidence of lymphedema (¡Ã2 cm difference comparing to unaffected arm) was 6.3%, 10.7%, 22.6% and 23.3% at each 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, and 40 cm from wrist. Reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint (¡Ã20 degree difference comparing to unaffected arm) was noted in more than 1/3 patients for flexion, abduction and internal rotation. Especially the reduction of range of motion in internal rotation was severe (£¾50% reduction) in 1/3 patients. Approximately 50 to 60% of patients complained impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness and pain. Body mass index (BMI) was the significant risk factor for lymphedema.

Conclusion: Lymphedema was present in 1/3 of patients and the common sites of edema were 30 cm 40 cm proximal from the wrist. Also most severe reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint was with internal rotation. There needs weight control for lymphedema because BMI was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Also rehabilitation program for range of motion especially internal rotation in shoulder joint should be developed.


Arm morbidity; Axillary dissection; Breast cancer; À¯¹æ¾Ï; ¸²ÇÁºÎÁ¾; ¾î±ú°üÀý ¿îµ¿¹üÀ§; ÁÖ°üÀû Áõ»ó

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