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Purpose: Quality of life in patients with cancer may be influenced by various kinds of variables, such as personal, environmental, and medical factors. The purpose of this study was to identity the influencing factors on the quality of life in patients with cancer.

Materials and Methods: One hundred and forty seven patients, who were taking medical therapy or following up after surgery for cervix cancer, participated in the present study. Quality of life, medical variables (cancer stage, types of treatment, follow-up status, and symptom distress), and psychosocial variables (mood disturbance, orientation to life, and social support) were measured. The obtained data were computed using multiple regression analyses.

Results: The medical-and-psychosocial variables explained 63.3% of the total variance in the quality of life (R2=0.633, F=16.969, p=.000). Cancer stage, symptom distress, mood disturbance, social support (family), and optimistic orientation to life were significant factors influencing on the quality of life in patients with cervix cancer.

Conclusion: An integrative care program which includes medical - and - psychosocial characteristics of patients is essential to improve quality of life in patients with cervix cancer.


ÀڱðæºÎ¾Ï; »îÀÇ Áú; »çȸÀû ÁöÁö;Cervix cancer; Quality of life; Social support

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