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Purpose: To develop the respiration simulating phantom with thermocouple for evaluating 4D radiotherapy such as gated radiotherapy, breathing control radiotherapy and dynamic tumor tracking radiotherapy.

Materials and Methods: The respiration monitoring mask (ReMM) with thermocouple was developed to monitor the patient¡¯s irregular respiration. The signal from ReMM controls the simulating phantom as organ motion of patients in real-time. The organ and the phantom motion were compared with its respiratory curves to evaluate the simulating phantom. ReMM was used to measure patients¡¯ respiration, and the movement of simulating phantom was measured by using RPMⓇ. The fluoroscope was used to monitor the patient¡¯s diaphragm motion.

Results: Comparing with the curves of respiration measured by thermocouple and those of the organ motion measured by fluoroscope and RPM, the standard deviations between the curves were 9.68% and 8.53% relative to the organ motion, respectively. The standard deviation of discrepancy between the respiratory curve and the organ motion was 8.52% of motion range.

Conclusion: Patients felt comfortable with ReMM. The relationship between the signal from ReMM and the organ motion shows strong correlation. The phantom simulates the organ motion in real-time according to the respiratory signal from the ReMM. It is expected that the simulating phantom with ReMM could be used to verify the 4D radiotherapy.


¿­Àü½Ö¸¶½ºÅ©(ReMM);È£Èíµ¿±â¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á;È£Èí¸ð»çÆÒÅè;Respiration monitoring mask (ReMM);4D radiotherapy;Respiration simulating phantom

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