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°á ·Ð: 14.4 ¶Ç´Â 19.8 GyÀÇ ¿ÜºÎ¹æ»ç¼±Á¶»ç´Â ¿¬·É°ü·Ã Ȳ¹Ýº¯¼º Áß È²¹ÝÇÏ ¸Æ¶ô¸· ½Å»ýÇ÷°üÁõ¿¡ È¿°úÀûÀÎ Ä¡·á¹ýÀÏ °¡´É¼ºÀ» Áö´Ï¸ç, Ä¡·áÀÇ È¿°ú ¹× ºÎÀÛ¿ë ¸é¿¡¼­ µÎ ¼±·® °£¿¡ ÀÇ¹Ì ÀÖ´Â Â÷ÀÌ´Â °üÂûµÇÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù.

Purpose: We performed this prospective randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and the complications of radiotherapy for Subfoveal CNV in ARMD and to compare the treatment results at two dosages (14.4 Gy and 19.8 Gy).

Materials and Methods: 60 eyes of 55 patients were enrolled, and randomized into 14.4 Gy (31 eyes) or 19.8 Gy (29 eyes) groups. CT was used to plan the radiotherapy. All patients received radiotherapy with a 1.8 Gy daily dose using 4 MV photon. We categorized treatment results as improved, stable, or deteriorated based on visual acuity changes of more than 2 lines on the ETDRS chart.

Results: Median follow-up period was 33.5 months. At 12 months, visual acuity improved in 9 (16.7%), stable in 41 (75.9%), and aggravated in 4 (7.4%) of 54 evaluated eyes. At 24 months, 49 eyes (81.7%) were evaluated. Visual acuity improved in 6 (12.2%), was stable in 33 (67.4%), and deteriorated in 10 (20.4%). At 36 months, 37 eyes were evaluated. Six (16.2%) eyes were improved, 21 (56.8%) stable, and 10 (27.0%) deteriorated. No significant difference in response was observed between the 14.4 Gy and 19.8 Gy groups (Mantel-Haenszel ¥ö2=0.4756). The proportion of eyes with a vision of 20/100¡Âincreased from 28.3% initially to 32.7% after 24 months of radiotherapy. There were no severe acute or chronic complications.

Conclusion: External beam radiotherapy with doses of 14.4 or 19.8 Gy may be an effective treatment for subfoveal CNV in ARMD. No dose-response relationships with respect to treatment response or toxicity were observed between the 14.4 Gy and 19.8 Gy groups.


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Subfoveal choroidal neovascularization; Radiotherapy

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