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È£Èí¿¬½ÀÀåÄ¡¸¦ Àû¿ëÇÑ È£Èí±³Á¤¹ýÀÇ ¿µÇâ Æò°¡ Efficacy of a Respiratory Training System on the Regularity of Breathing

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Purpose: In order to enhance the efficiency of respiratory gated 4-dimensional radiation therapy for more
regular and stable respiratory period and amplitude, a respiration training system was designed, and its efficacy
was evaluated.

Materials and Methods: The experiment was designed to measure the difference in respiration regularity
following the use of a training system. A total of 11 subjects (9 volunteers and 2 patients) were included in the experiments. Three different breathing signals, including free breathing (free-breathing), guided breathing that followed training software (guided-breathing), and free breathing after the guided-breathing (post guided-breathing), were consecutively recorded in each subject. The peak-to-peak (PTP) period of the breathing signal, standard deviation (SD), peak-amplitude and its SD, area of the one cycle of the breathing wave form, and its root mean square (RMS) were measured and computed.

Results: The temporal regularity was significantly improved in guided-breathing since the SD of breathing period
reduced (free-breathing 0.568 vs guided-breathing 0.344, p=0.0013). The SD of the breathing period representing the post guided-breathing was also reduced, but the difference was not statistically significant (free-breathing 0.568 vs. guided-breathing 0.512, p=ns). Also the SD of measured amplitude was reduced in guided-breathing (free-breathing 1.317 vs. guided-breathing 1.068, p=0.187), although not significant. This indicated that the tidal volume for each breath was kept more even in guided-breathing compared to free-breathing. There was no change in breathing pattern between free-breathing and guided-breathing. The average area of breathing wave form and its RMS in postguided-breathing, however, was reduced by 7% and 5.9%, respectively.

Conclusion: The guided-breathing was more stable and regular than the other forms of breathing data.
Therefore, the developed respiratory training system was effective in improving the temporal regularity and maintaining a more even tidal volume.


4-dimensional radiation therapy;Respiratory gating radiation therapy;Breathing cycle

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