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õºñ°ñ½Å°æÀÇ Àü±â»ý¸®ÇÐÀû ÁÖÇà °æ·Î The Electrophysiologic Anatomy of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve

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¹æÈñÁ¦ ( Bang Hee-Jae ) 
Chungbuk National University


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the anatomical course of superficial peroneal nerve using electrophysiologic study.

Methods: Twenty healthy young adults without the clinical signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy were evaluated eith superficial peroneal nerve conduction study by antidromic technique. Tests were performed on one leg of each subject using Medelec elactromyograph. The stimulation intensity were applied with minimal intensity to be able to induce normal sensory nerve action potential (SNAP). We verified the points at which the maximal amplitude of SNAP was obtained on each stimulating and recording lines.

Results: The mean values of stimulating points were 68.7¡¾8.9% of distance from tibial crest for 6cm above intermalleolar line, 70.4¡¾9.1% for 8cm, and 70.5¡¾7.8 for 10cm and the mean values of recording points were 47.3¡¾9.8% of distace frome medial foot line for 20% line fo foot length.

Conclusion: The optimal sites of stimulating electrode were about 70% points from tibial crest to fibular bone and the optimal sites of recording electrode were from 30% to 50% range frome medal line of foot in 80% cases. All of the optimal recording electrode sited were within 1cm from dorsalis podis artery.


Superficial peroneal nerve;Nerve conduction study;Electrophysiologic anatomy;Stimulating electrode;Active electrode

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