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Àü±âÁø´Ü°Ë»ç»ó Ãà»è º´º¯À» º¸ÀÎ ¹Ð·¯ ÇǼŠÁõÈıº 1¿¹ A Case of Miller Fisher Syndrome Showing Axonal Polyneuropathy in Electrodiagnostic Test

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±èºÀ¿Á ( Kim Bong-Ok ) 
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Àü°æÁø ( Jun Kyung-Jin ) 
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±è»ó¼ö ( Kim Sang-Soo ) 
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Miller Fisher syndrome is clinically characterized by the triad of gait ataxia, external ophthalmoplegia and areflexia. A six-tear-old girl developwd ophthalmoplegia and mydriasis after a febrile flu-like illness. She had additional symptoms of dysphgia, bulbar palsy, ataxia, areflexia and weakness of extrrmities. She was unable to maintain an upright posture, nor able showed mild albimino-cytologic dissociation and electrodiagnostix study revealed a predominantly motor axonal peripheral polyneuropathy including both facial nerves. She was placed on a high dose of intravenous immunoglobulin and comprehensive rehavilitation treatment which resulted on a complete recovery in 6 month. This is a case of Miller Fisher syndrom which presented atypically severe weakness of extremities in clinically and generalized motor axnal polyneuropathy in electrodiagnodtically.


Miller Fisher Syndrome;Total ophthalmoplegia;Axonal Neutopathy

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