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±èÀç¹Î ( Kim Jae-Min ) 
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¼ºÁø¿µ ( Sung Jin-Young ) 
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¹ÚÁ¤¿ø ( Park Jung-Won ) 
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Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis is an uncommon illness characterized by recurrent episodes of flaccid paralysis of skeletal muscles, usually accompanied by hypokalemia. The underlying pathophysiology remains largely unexplained and controversial. Up to now there are many clinical studies of thyrotoxic periodix paralysis, but a few electrophysiologic studies were reported in Korea, especially during paralytic attack. We encountered a patient with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis and carried out EMG study during paralytic attack and after a remission and got the Following results. 1) Sensory nerve conduction study showed normal SNAPs from all tested nerves. 2) Motor nerve conduction study showed normal oneset latencies and conduction velocities but reduceed amplitudes of CMAPs. 3) Needle EMG showed considerably decreased insertional activities, but no abnormal spontaneous activities at rest and on volition, low-amplotude, short-duration and polyphasic MUAPs and reduced interferential patterns. 4) After a remission all abnormal Findings returned to normal values on nerve conduction and needle EMG studies.


Thorotoxicosis;Periodic paralysis;Hypokalemia;Electromyography

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