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ÆíÆòÁ· ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ÀÇ Á·Ã´½Å°æ Àüµµ °Ë»ç Nerve Conduction Study of Plantar Nerve in Patient with Pes Planus

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ÇãÇö¼® ( Heo Hyoun-Seok ) 
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¹®ÀçÈ£ ( Moon Jae-Ho ) 
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Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate medial and lateral plantar neuropathy in patients
with foot pain caused by pes planus.

Method: Twenty five healthy controls(mean age=41.5, range: 23-58) and 27 patients (mean age=38.7,
range: 20-57) were included in this study. The inclusion criteria for patients were subjects with foot pain
and the deformity such as pes planus confirmed by podoscopy and radiologic study. The medial and lateral
plantar nerve conduction study was performed in both control and patient group.

Results: Mean conduction velocity of medial plantar nerve showed significant delay in patients as 39.7
¡¾5.9 m/sec compared with the control subjects as 44.8¡¾4.0 m/sec and that of lateral plantar nerve was
also delayed significantly in patients as 39.7¡¾4.6 m/sec compared with the control subjects as 43.9¡¾4.9
m/sec. The mean amplitude of medial plantar nerve was not significantly different between patients as 6.9
¡¾3.2 ¥ìV and the control as 8.0¡¾3.2 ¥ìV and that of lateral plantar nerve also was not significantly different
between patients as 9.6¡¾5.6 ¥ìV and the control as 7.1¡¾4.3 ¥ìV either.

Conclusion: In this study, Foot deformity such as pes planus in patients with foot pain may cause
stretch or local compression of medial and lateral plantar nerves, resulting in decreased conduction velocity
but no significant effect on amplitude of compound nerve action potentials.


Plantar nerve;Foot deformity;Pes planus;Foot pain;Entrapment neuropathy

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