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±æ¶û-¹Ù·¹ ÁõÈıºÀ¸·Î ¿ÀÀÎµÈ ¹é½Å ¿¬°ü¸¶ºñ¼º ¼Ò¾Æ¸¶ºñ Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis, Mimicking Guillain-Barre Syndrome

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ÀÌÀαԠ( Lee In-Kyu ) 
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À̼º¿ë ( Lee Sung-Yong ) 
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±èÈ£¼º ( Kim Ho-Sung ) 
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In most areas of the world, wild polio virus is eradicated thanks to the mass campaign for polio vaccination. Though wild polio viruses are eradicated, poliomyelitis still shows near-negligible incidences in relation to oral polio virus vaccination (OPV). When a patient shows acute, generalized, asymmetrical weakness, a physician would try to rule out other neurological diseases rather than poliomyelitis. Especially, in case a patient has no vaccination history, no contract history with a recipient, a physician seldom consider poliomyelitis as a primary cause of weakness. We experienced a case of 8-year-old boy who did not receive OPV in recent years and did not have known contract history with recipient. He showed a feature of acute motor axonal polyneuropathy in electrophysiologic study and later was diagnosed by stool
exam as naving vaccine-associated poliomyelitis (sabin 1, 3 type).


Vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP);Acute motor axonal polyneuropathly (Guillain-Barre Sydrome);OPV;Poliomyelitis;Asymmetrical weakness

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