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Áß½ÉÄھƺ´ ȯÀÚÀÇ Ã´ÃßÃø¸¸Áõ ¼ö¼úÀû ±³Á¤ 1¿¹ Surgical Correction of Scoliosis in a Patient with Central Core Disease

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Central core disease is congenital myopathy, pathologically distinguished by the presence of well-demarcated round lesion or cores within muscle fibers. A 8-year-old female patient, who had severe thoracolumbar scoliosis, has done an open muscle biopsy and surgical correction of scoliosis. The muscle pathology showed central core with type 1 fiber predominance. After the surgical correction, her ability of sitting feature was improved. Surgical interventions may be considered in congenital myopathies with severe scoliosis for improving quality of life.


Cental core disease;Scoliosis;Surgical correction

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