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¹Ýº¹ÀûÀÎ °úµµÇÑ Åõ±¸·Î ÀÎÇÑ ±ÙÀ§ Á¤Á߽Ű溴Áõ Proximal Median Neuropathy Related with Repetitive Overuse Throwing

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ÀÓÀ±¸í ( Yim Yoon-Myung ) 
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ÀÌÁÖ°­ ( Lee Ju-Kang ) 
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ÀÓ¿À°æ ( Lim Oh-Kyung ) 
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Á¤½º·± ( Chung Seu-Reon ) 
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¹è±Ùȯ ( Bae Keun-Hwan ) 
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±è¼ºÈ¯ ( Kim Sung-Hwan ) 
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À̱¤·¡ ( Lee Kwang-Lae ) 
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We report a patient with isolated injury of the proximal median nerve because of repetitive overuse throwing. A 31-year-old man, a professional pitcher, complained of right upper extremity pain. The physical examination revealed weakness of all median nerve innervated muscles and hypesthesia of first to third fingers at affected arm. There are no specific findings on past history or family history. Electrodiagnostic studies performed at 14 days after onset, demonstrated right median nerve lesion at arm level. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging study revealed swelling of median nerve at the proximal one third of humerus. Patient¡¯s symptom and sign remained unchanged during 1 month follow-up period. Follow-up electrodiagnostic studies after 1 month revealed no definite interval changes or regeneration evidence.


Nedian nerve injury;Throwing;Electrodiagnostic evaluation

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