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¾çÃø¼º °Å´ë À̼Ҽº °ñÈ­Áõ°ú °øÁ¸µÈ ¾çÃø¼º õÃ߽ŰæÃѺ´Áõ Bilateral Sacral Plexopathy Concomitant with Bilateral Huge Heterotopic Ossifications

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Heterotopic ossification (HO), which 11 to 75 % of traumatic brain injury patients inevitably suffer from,makes it possible to form mature lamellar bone in abnormal locations, usually soft tissue and periarticular area. We report a 36-year-old female patient with bilateral sacral plexopathy after traumatic brain injury,who had huge bilateral HO as well as stuporous mental state and blunt legs by in-car traffic accident.Sacral plexopathy and entrapment polyneuropathy caused by HO were tentatively diagnosed in this patient. We were able to rule out entrapment polyneuropathy by simple x-ray, lectromyography, and magnetic resonance imaging. So authors report a rare case with bilateral idiopathic sacral plexopathy concomitant with bilateral huge HO. Based upon the case of the patient, scrupulous attention is, we think,
needed to differentiate bilateral sacral plexopathy and entrapment polyneuropathy concurrent with HO in a traumatic brain injury patient.


Plexopathy;Heterotopic Ossification;Traumatic brain injury

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