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°ñ¹Ý ¿Ü»ó ÈÄ ¹ß»ýÇÑ »óµÐ½Å°æ ´Üµ¶¼Õ»ó 1¿¹ A Case of Isolated Superior Gluteal Nerve Injury After Blunt Trauma

´ëÇѱÙÀüµµÀü±âÁø´ÜÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2006³â 8±Ç 2È£ p.172 ~ 175
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¹Úµ¿½Ä ( Park Dong-Sik ) 
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±èÁÖÇü ( Kim Joo-Hyung ) 
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Á¤Çö¿À ( Jeung Hyun-Oh ) 
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Isolated lesions of superior gluteal nerve are rare and have been reported after misplaced needle injections, hip surgery and trauma. We report a case of isolated superior gluteal nerve inury following blunt trauma confirmed by electrodiagnosis and magnetic resonance image (MRI). A 52-year-old male patient developed left lateral hip pain and gait disturbance after violent fall on the left buttock by being hit by a car. Manual muscle testing revealed F+ in left hip abduction, G in left hip internal rotation. When standing on left leg, his trunk lurched to the left. Atrophic changes of gluteus medius and minimus muscles were noted in MRI. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies were normal in the left leg. Needle electromyography revealed positive sharp wave and fibrillation potentials and reduced interferential pattern in the left gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fascia lata muscles. These findings suggested isolated injury of left superior gluteal nerve.


Lumbosacral plexus;Blunt injuries;Electrodiagnosis;Rehabilitation

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