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¼­½Ã¿Á¿ë»ê(à¤ã¿è¬é»ß¤) Àú¿Â¼÷¼ººñ´©ÀÇ È¿´É¿¬±¸ The Efficacy Study on Seosiokyongsan CP Soap

´ëÇѺ»ÃÊÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 34±Ç 6È£ p.125 ~ 130
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ÃÖ»ó¶ô ( Choi Sang-Rak ) 
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¼­ºÎÀÏ ( Seo Bu-Il ) 
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±¸Áø¼÷ ( Koo Jin-Suk ) 
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Objective : We have reported the effects of Seosiokyongsan (SSOOS) cp soap on increasing skin moisture, decreasing pore size, and reducing acne symptoms on previous studies. But in the case of SSOOS soap, many soap bases were used in the making process. So we could not determine whether the above test results were the effect of soap bases or SSOOS herb medicine. Therefore, We conducted this clinical test to find out the effect of SSOOS itself.

Methods : We made two kinds of soap. One type was made of cp soap using only soap bases and gave them to 10 subjects. The other type was cp soap made by adding SSOOS to the soap base and gave them to 25 subjects. The other 10 subjects did not limit the soap. Subjects were asked to wash their face with soap in the morning and evening for six weeks. The test was conducted three times and the results were compared and analyzed.

Results : In the test group using the SSOOS soap, the oil in the U zone was significantly decreased and the moisture was significantly increased compared to other two control groups. Pores size and pigmentation were decreased but not significant. There was a significant increase in moisture in the soap base group, but that was a slight increase compared to SSOOS soap. There was no significant results in the without soap control group.

Conclusion : SSOOS soap was found to have a significant effect on facial skin as cleansing products.


Seosiokyongsan cp soap; facial skin test; oil. moisture

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