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´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.85 ~ 91
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±èÁ¤¼± ( Kim Jung-Sun ) 
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Á¶°æ±â ( Cho Kyung-Gi ) 
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½Éö ( Sim Chul ) 
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¼­Áß¼® ( Seo Joong-Seok ) 
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Purpose : Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the most common neuropathological condition encountered in temporal lobe epilepsy (TEL). The measurement of hippocampal neuronal cell density and neuronal cell loss was established as an essential process in understanding of the epileptogenesis of TLE. This study was designed for the purposes of establishment of morphometric data of HS in Korean TLE patients since such a study does not exist in Korean literature.
Method : In each 15 hippocampal slices from TLE patients and autopsied cases, the measurements were performed by modified Yale method.

Result : Mean cell density (/§§) was 802 in CA1, 6999 in CA2, 2408 in CA3, 733 in CA4 62363 in granular layer (GL) and 73306 in total hippocampal area. Mean cell loss (%) was 91 in GA1, 56 in CA2, 74 in CA3, 86 in CA4, 71 in GL, and 71 in total area, respectively. These data are well below the measured value of those done in other countries, however. All cases showed hippocampal atrophy quantitatively defined as total area cell density below mean-two standard deflation.

Conclusion : This study describes the degree and patterns of hippocampal neuronal loss in Korean TLE patients. This morphometric data may subserve a reference value for future large scale studies


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Hippocampal neuronal cell density; Neuronal cell loss; Hippocampal sclerosis; Temporal lobe epilepsy

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