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·¹³ì½º-°¡½ºÅä ÁõÈıº (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome)ÀÇ Drop attack¿¡ °üÇÑ ºñµð¿À-³úÆÄ °¨½Ã¸¦ Å븸 Àü±â-ÀÓ»ó»ó ¿¬±¸ Video-EEG Monitoring About Electro-Clinical Seizures Including drop attacks in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.105 ~ 111
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Background : The seizure attacks of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome were characterized by repeated, brief seizures often responsible for multiple frills (drop attacks). Although these seizures are superficially similar, they correspond to different neurophysiological mechanisms. The drop attacks in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome were difficult to identify specific seizure types on the basis of clinical observation alone. Precise analysis of ictal manifestaions by combined clinical EEG, EMG, and video-EEG monitoring permits distinction of different types of seizure. So, we conducted this study to analyze the ictal seizures and EEG findings by long term video-EEG monitoring

Method : We analyzed electro-clinical seizures observed by long term video-EEG monitoring in 9 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The inclusion criteria are presence of several seizure types, including drop attacks, and the ictal and interictal EEG features, and slow mental development.

Result : 1) The clinical seizure types of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome were observed 6 patients (66.6%) had atypical absence seizures, 5 patients (55.5%) had tonic seizures, 5 patients (55.5%) had myoclonic seizures, and 3 patients (33.3%) had atonic seizures. 2) The specific seizure types of drop attack were observed¡¯s patients (55.5%) had tonic seizures, 4 patients (44.4%) had myoclonic seizures, 3 patients (33.3%) had atonic and mixed seizures, and 2 patients (22.2%) had atypical absence seizures. 3) The EEG findings showed : generalized burst of slow spike and wave discharges during atypical absence seizure ; Irregular frost activity with generalized burst of slow wave discharges during tonic seizure discharges of generalized polyspike and wades during myoclonic seizure ; and discharges of generalized polyspike and wade tilth background suppression during atonic seizure.

Conclusions : Long-term video-EEG monitoring is very helpful in the precise electro-clinical diagnosis of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.


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Language cortex; Electrical stimulation; Basal temporal language; Temporal lobe epilepsy; Intraoperative functional brain mapping

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