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Sturge-Weber ÁõÈıº¿¡½ÃÀÇ °£Áú¼º ¹ßÀÛÀÇ À¯Çü ¹× °æ°ú Features and Outcomes of Epileptic Seizure in Sturge-weber Syndrome

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.125 ~ 128
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Ȳ¿ë½Â ( Hwang Yong-Seung ) 
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Purpose : It Is well known that various types of epilepsy can occur in the patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome We reviewed the clinical features and outcomes of epileptic seizures in the children with Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Methods : Medical records of the 10 epileptic patients (male 5, female 5) among the 11 children with Sturge-Weber syndrome were reviewed in regard to seizure types. age at onset of seizure, electroencephalographic findings, clinical course and outcomes.

Result : Ten epileptic patients were noted to have 2 simple partial seizure, 2 complex partial seizure and 6 generalized seizure. The background activity of EEG showed focal delta slowings in 8 and diffuse slowings in 2 cases. Multifocal spike discharges were noted in 2 cases. After administration of appropriate entiepileptic drugs, 7 became seizure free. The response rates according to seizure type were as follows simple partial seizure 100%, generalized seizure 83.3 %, complex partial seizure 0%.

Conclusion : The patients with complex partial seizure were less responsive to the medical treatment. Sturge-Weber syndrome showed epilepsies in infancy or early childhood. As lesions of CNS progressed, epilepsy might remain as intractable and defects of CNS progressed, epilepsy might remain as intractable and defects of CNS were aggravated. So, early diagnosis anti treatment aye needed.


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Epileptic seizure; Sturge-Weber syndrome

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