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Sodium Valproate º¹¿ëÈÄ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Hyperammonemia 1·Ê A Case with Hyperammonemia due to Sodium Valproate

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.146 ~ 150
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¹Ú¹Î±Ô ( Park Min-Kyu ) 
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ÀÌ´ëÈñ ( Lee Dae-Hie ) 
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A 35-year-old woman diagnosed as complex partial seizure tilth secondary generalization has been treated with sodium valproate for the last 2 years. Progressive impairment of consciousness to deep drowsy state without focal neurologlc signs hospitalized her and the following medical evaluation repealed hyperammonemia without hepatic cause. Hyperammonemia as well as her previously deteriorated consciousness was improved after the discontinuation of sodium valproate. Moreover her hepatic function, biliary system and urea cycle were perfectly normal. Therefore, we report a case of hyperammonemia which is due to 2-year-course of sodium valproate administration could be recovered with removal of the offending agent. This suggests that sodium valproate induced hyperammonemia and hepatic failure after sodium valproate treatment main haute 3 different biochemical basis.


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Complex partial seizure; Sodium valporate; Hyperammoninemia

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