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¿Ü»ó¼º ³ú¼Õ»ó Áý´Ü°ú ÃøµÎ¿± °£Áú Áý´ÜÀÇ ½Å°æ½É¸®Àû Ư¼º Neuropsychological Features of Traumatic Brain Injured Group and Temporal Lobe Epileptic Group

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.44 ~ 49
À̼ҿµ, ±ÇÇõö, ÀºÇåÁ¤,
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À̼ҿµ ( Lee So-Young ) 
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±ÇÇõö ( Kwon Heok-Cheol ) 
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ÀºÇåÁ¤ ( Eun Hun-Jeong ) 
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Purpose: The purpose of theis study was to identify meuropsychological features in traumatic brain injured (TBI) group and temporal lobe epileptic (TLE) group.

Methods: Subjects were administered neuropsychological tests: the Wechsler Memory Scale, the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, the Token Test, the Dbject Naming Test, the Word Fluendy Test, and the Design Fluency Test. Pergormances of Neuropsychological tests in TBI group and TLE group were compared with psychiatric group and normal control group.

Results: TBI group and TLE group showed deficits in verbal and visual memory, visuo-spatial construct abilities, language comprehension and naming abilities, and executive functions. There were no signigicant differences between TBI group and RLe group in neuropsychological ablilities. Psychiatric patients showde lower pergormances in delayed recall of verbal and visual material and executive function than normal control group¢¥s.

Conclusion: TBI group and TLE group showed neurop-sychological deficits such as memory dysfunctions, learning disabilities, language deficits, and frontallobe dysfunctions. This findings suggest that the TLE patients have diffuse damages in brain including frontal lobe cortex due to continuous seizure attack originated from temporal lobe.


Traumatic brain injury;Temporal lobe epilepsy;Neuropsychological tests

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