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ÀüµÎÃø¿±¿¡¼­ ±â¿øÇÑ ÀáÀ缺 È«¼Ò¹ßÀÛ : ¼ºÀο¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ 1·Ê Cryptogenic Gelastic Epilepsy of Fronto-Temporal Lobe Origin : A Case of Young Adulthood Onset

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 6±Ç 2È£ p.154 ~ 157
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±è»óÈ£ ( Kim Sang-Ho ) 
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Gelastic epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal involuntary laughing episodes is a relatively rare type of seizure which may occur singly or, more frequently, with other types of convulsions. Gelastic seizures have been observed in many different conditions, mainly hypothalamic hamartomas. We report a 21-year-old woman whose uncontrollable laughter was the only neurologic disturbance since 20 years of age. Physical and neurological examination did not reveal any abnormality. Neuropsychologic test was also normal. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was normal. During video-EEG monitoring, the clinical events usually consisted of aura of undescriable sensation lasting 1-2seconds followed by ictal laughter, without loss of consciousness and postictal manifestation. Ictal EEG showed bilateral interruption of background activity lasting 2-3seconds, followed by semirhythmic theta frequency activities over right frontotemporal region. Interictal EEG showed intermittent sharp waves or spike activities at right anterior temporal area. After Oxcarbamazepine treatment, she has never experienced the laughing seizures.


Gelastic epilepsy; Normal brain MRI; Frontotemporal region

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