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¼Ò¾Æ °á½Å °£Áú°ú ¾ç¼º ·Ñ¶õµå ±ØÆÄÀÇ °øÁ¸ Concomitance of Childhood Absence Epilepsy and Benign Rolandic Spikes

´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.54 ~ 56
°­ÅÂÈ«, ¾ÈÁؼº, ±è¼ºÀº, ȲűÔ,
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°­ÅÂÈ« ( Kang Tae-Hong ) 
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¾ÈÁؼº ( An Jun-Sung ) 
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±è¼ºÀº ( Kim Sung-Eun ) 
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ȲűԠ( Hwang Tae-Guy ) 
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Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and benign epilepsy of child-hood with centro-temporal spikes (BECT) are common forms of idi-opathic epilepsy of childhood onset and share many features such as the marked age dependence of onset. The occurrence of generalized 3 Hz spike and waves in BECT or rolandic spikes in CAE has rarely been reported. We report 2 cases of concomitance of CAE and benign rolandic spikes. All of the two patients were female and had clinically absence seizure only. On EEG the two patients simultaneously sho-wed centro-temporal spikes as well as ictal onset of absence seizure consisting of generalized 3 Hz spike and waves. All of the two pati-ents have become seizure-free with valporic acid. It is rare but not impossible that (Rolandic spikes can concur with CAE rather than as a continuum between CAE and BECT), because all of the two patients have not shown BECT so far.


Childhood absence epilepsy;Benign epilepsy of childhood with centro-temporal spikes;Electroen-cephalogram

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