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´ëÇÑ°£ÁúÇÐȸÁö 2005³â 9±Ç 2È£ p.159 ~ 164
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Â÷ÇÑ ( Tchah Hann ) 
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Purpose: Positive ratio of routine EEG in adult epilepsy was widely known, but small number was reported in child epilepsy. Thus, we studied the difference of positive ratios between ages.

Methods: We reviewed the clinical records of 756 patients, who visited the pediatric neurology clinic with more than 2 afebrile seizures except neonatal seizures, from March 1997 to December 2004. Excluded were children with previous history of antiepileptic medication or failure of EEG. Clinical aspects and EEG findings of left 609 patients were evaluated retrospectively.

Results: Median age of EEG examination was 7.0 years (range, 3 months to 19.8 years) and male was 339. Number of child under 2 years was 112, 2-4 was 96, 5-9 was 233, 10-14 was 160 and over 15 was 8. All 279 positive past history was known in 222 persons, 98 of them had previous febrile seizures, 37 had CP or MR, 11 had neonatal seizures, 11 had birth asphyxia, 28 was prematurity. Waking EEG was checked in 398, sleep EEG in 547. Abnormal findings were found in 443 (72.7%). Definite epileptiform discharges were found in 388 patients (63.7%), suspicious spike discharges in 37 (6.2%). Patients under 2 years had 50.0% positive ratio of epileptiform discharges, 2-4 had 62.5%, 5-9 had 85.8%, 10-14 had 66.3% and over 15 had 37.5%.

Conclusions: High positive ratio of routine EEG was found in child epilepsy, thus routine EEG seems to be very useful for the first diagnostic examination in child epilepsy.



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