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Çѱ¹ÀÇ ½ÉÀåÀÌ½Ä ¼ºÀû Results of heart transplantation in Korea

´ëÇѳ»°úÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 60±Ç 3È£ p.228 ~ 233
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Background : Heart transplantation is a definite treatment modality of the patients with end-stage heart failure. Heart transplantation has been performed in Korea since 1992, and currently it is an established procedure for the management of terminal heart failure. The purpose of this study is to clarify the Korean status of heart transplantation.

Methods : Six major heart transplantation centers¡¯ 137 cases during the period November 1992 through May 1999 are analyzed to evaluate the general demographics, underlying heart diseases, postoperative management, complications, and survival.

Results : The mean age of the patients is 37 years old, and the mean follow-up period is 25 months (1 day - 80 months, median 20 months). Most common underlying disease related to heart failure is cardiomyopathy (86%). Total 16% of patients underwent cellular rejection of ISHLT (International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation) grade 3A or more within 1 year after transplantation. The most common type of clinical infection is bacterial (18%), and the most common organism is Herpes zoster virus (6.4%). Graft coronary artery disease examined by coronary angiography detected in 3.7% of recipients within 12 months after transplantation. One, 2, 3, and 5-year overall survival rates of recipients are 81% , 72%, 71%, and 62%, respectively.

Conclusion : Distribution of underlying heart diseases and the frequency of graft coronary artery disease of Korean heart transplantation recipients were different from those of the western patients. Although the history of heart transplantation
in Korea is relatively short, the early and long-term results are comparable with well-established centers.


Heart transplantation; Follow-up studies; Survival;

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