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õ¸íÀ½ÀÌ ÀÖ´Â ±â°üÁö È®ÀåÁõ°ú õ½Ä°úÀÇ °ü°è Relationship between bronchiectasis with wheeze and asthma

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Backgroud : Wheezes are the oscillation of airway walls that occures when there is airflow limitation, as may be produced by bronchospasm, airway edema or collapse or intraluminal obstruction by neplasm or secretions. Wheezes can be observed in
34% of bronchiectasis, that defined as abnormal and permanent dilatation of bronchi. Bronchiectasis is associated with bronchial asthma in 2.7-42%. We studed the clinical significance of wheeze observed in bronchiectasis and interrelationships
the bronchiectasis with wheeze and bronchial asthma.
Methods : We reviewed the 32 patients with bronchiectasis confirmed by HRCT. Exclusion criteria are acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis, neoplasm, bronchial asthma. The controlled group is 29 bronchial asthma patients and their diagnositc
when the %change of FEV1 after inhaled bronchodilators is 12% or more and absolute change value is ¡Ã200 mL. All patients were performed spirometry, bronchodilator test, bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, skin prick test and sputum
for cell counts.
Results : The Wheeze observed in 43.7% of bronchiectasis patients. Wheeze group revealed the more obstructive pattern in spirometry than non-wheeze group (FEV1% 71.0¡¾8.2% vs 91.7¡¾5.5%, p=0.04; FEV1/FVC 61.1¡¾4.4% vs 78.2¡¾3.7%, p=0.009), more
bronchodilator responses (8.4¡¾2.1% vs 4.9¡¾1.7%, p=0.045) and more bonchial hyperresponsiveness (positive results in PC20 : 2 in 6 patients vs no positive in 3 patients). Asthma control group has no significant differences with wheeze group. But
compared with non-wheeze group, it has significantly decreased lung function (FEV1/FVC 65.5¡¾2.9% vs 78.2¡¾3.7, p=0.004), more bronchodilator responses (14.8¡¾0.6% vs 4.9¡¾1.7%, p=0.001) and more eosinophilic airway inflammations (sputum
11.4¡¾2.0 vs 0.8¡¾0.4, p=0.05).
Conclusions : The wheezes observed in bronchiectasis are associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness and eosinophilic airway inflammations.


Bronchiectasis; Respiratory sounds; Asthma;

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