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Background: There were two occurrences of typhoon and the floods in Korea from early to late September, 2000. The Korean Combat Police and policemen participated in cleaning actibities at the flooded area. Leptospirosis broke out among
participants. This study describes the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of leptospirosis patients among policemen. Methods: Of 16,750 individuals involved, 3,752 subjected to passive hemagglutination antiboby (PHA) test at the
Regional Health Care Units or the National Police Hospital. With 1 case of dead plus 12 cases which were turned out to be seropositive by PHA test and confirmed by microagglutination (MA) test, epidemiological and clinical characteristics were
by questionnaire survey, laboratory test, and history of treatment while being hospitalized. Results: The seropositive rate of leptospira antiboby was 0.3% (12/3,752). All 12 seropositives were bare-footed while working at the flooded area
and of
these, 8 patients (67%) were noticed abrasions either on hand or feet. However, no statistically significant correlation was found between the duration of outdoor activity and the seropositive rate (r=-0.46, p=0.36). There were clinical
patients who has the same serotype of leptospirosis, physical conditions, circumstance and the same work area. Two abnormal EKG results are present, the one who complained of chest pain is myocardial ischemia and the other who didn't complain of
symptoms is sinus pause. Correlation between the febrile period before and the duration of fever after the use of antibiotics was estimated as ; febrile period after antibiotics use = 0.102804 + 0.995327 ¡¿ febrile period before antibiotics use
(p=0.058). Conclusion: When leptospirosis is related to group activities, it is possible to educate in advance and to manage systematically afterwards, it may prevent the occurrence of leptospirosis or the related complications.


Leptospirosis; Epidemiology; Complications; Clinical characteristics;

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