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ÀÖ´ÂÁö¸¦ º¸¾Ò´Ù. °á°ú: 33¿¹ Áß 10¿¹ (30.3%)°¡ LOAÀ̾ú´Ù. õ½Ä ÀÌȯ±â°£Àº EOA 21.6¡¾14.8³â, LOA 2.9¡¾2.4³âÀ¸·Î Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ÀÖ¾ú´Ù (p£¼0.001). Æò±Õ ³ªÀÌ, ¼ºº°, ¾ÆÅäÇÇ °³Àη ¹× °¡Á··Â, ºÎºñµ¿¿° µ¿¹Ý ¿©ºÎ, ¸»ÃÊÇ÷¾× È£»ê±¸ ¼ö´Â ¾ç±º°£¿¡ Â÷ÀÌ°¡
EOA¿¡¼­ Èí¿¬·Â°ú »óºÎ±âµµ °¨¿° ºñ½ÁÇÑ Áõ»ó°ú µ¿¹ÝµÈ Áõ»ó ¾ÇÈ­°¡ ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç (°¢°¢ p£¼0.05), ÃÑ Ç÷û IgEÄ¡°¡ ³ô¾Ò´Ù (»ó¿ë´ë¼ö °ª 2.36¡¾0.56 (±âÇÏÆò±Õ 228 IU/mL) ´ë 1.30¡¾0.47 (±âÇÏÆò±Õ 20 IU/mL, p£¼0.001). ÀÔ¿ø ´ç½Ã¿¡ À§µ¶ÇÑ Ãµ½Ä ¹ßÀÛÀ» º¸ÀΠȯÀÚ´Â
17¿¹ (89.5%)·Î¼­ LOA 4¿¹ (40%)¿¡ ºñÇØ À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç, Á¶ÀýµÇ¾î Åð¿øÇϱâ Àü ÃøÁ¤ÇÑ FEV©û/FVC (54.8¡¾10.1% ´ë 64.6¡¾11.7%, p£¼0.5)°¡ EOA¿¡¼­ À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô ³·¾Ò°í, Áߵ Áö¼Ó¼º ÀÌ»óÀÇ ½ÉÇÑ ¸¸¼ºÃµ½ÄÀÌ EOA¿¡¼­ À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô ¸¹¾Ò´Ù (95.6% ´ë 60.0%, p£¼0.05).
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Background: The asthma mortality has risen during last decades, especially in the elderly. This study was performed to investigate whether newly-developed asthma in the elderly has any difference in clinical features relating to asthma
compared to early-onset asthma (EOA). Methods: Thirty-three asthma patients (¡Ã60 years-old) hospitalized due to severe attack were classified to late-onset (LOA) when their asthma developed after the age of 60 and the remaining to EOA.
obtained from their medical records were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Ten out of the 33 patients (30.3%) were LOA. Duration of asthma was significantly longer in EOA (21.6¡¾14.8 years vs. 2.9¡¾2.4 years, p£¼0.001). There were no
differences between both groups in age, sex, atopy history (personal and familial), sinusitis, and peripheral blood eosinophils. However, EOA showed more smoking history and frequent exacerbations following URI-like symptoms (p£¼0.05,
respectively), and
higher serum total IgE level (geographic mean: 228 vs. 20 IU/mL, p£¼0.001). Life-threatening asthma attack was developed more frequently (89.5% vs. 40%, p£¼0.05), and the lung function measurements obtained just before discharge were
lower ( FEV©û/FVC: 54.8¡¾10.1% vs. 64.6¡¾11.7%, p£¼0.5) in EOA. Severity of chronic asthma was significantly more severe in EOA (moderate to severe persistent asthma: 95.6% vs. 60.0%, p£¼0.5). Conclusion: Many elderly asthmatics develop
newly in their old age. EOA is more related to atopic allergy, and semms to have more severe and long-standing asthma leading to chronic persisent airflow obstrection.


Asthma; Elderly; Early-onset; Late-onset; Severity;

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